What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences?
A place where you can develop freely in a very personal environment, professionally through a very good exchange with professors and academic staff as well as through individual development due to small semester sizes. You are not a number, the person, the student is in the foreground.

What was the best experience at Ansbach University that you remember?
There are countless, the annual summer festival or the O-Days stand out, which are absolute fun even for higher semesters.

You can't have studied in Ansbach without...
...ending a very long unit day, e.g. in the lab, just a few metres away at a university party in the library foyer.

What motivations determined your choice of study and career?
Biotechnology is a (still) very small but extremely fast-growing industry that has many facets. Whether it's research & development, quality assurance or the production of highly complex substances with innovative systems and equipment, everyone can make a big difference with it. My motivation was and is to create meaning, and the fact that many people and patients in the world also benefit from this makes me really happy.

Why did you choose Ansbach University of Applied Sciences?
I was convinced by the curriculum, a colourful mix from many areas of biotechnology as well as with diverse opportunities for individual interests.

What could you take away from your studies for your professional future?
Due to the numerous collaborations and contact with other degree programmes at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, I was able to sustainably develop my communication techniques and learn to work together as equals, which helps me enormously in my current job in the professional management of employees.

If you could study again today, would you do anything differently?
Honestly, no. It is a privilege to be able to do something outside of your free time that gives you fun and self-fulfilment, and that is not a matter of course in today's society.

Looking back on your time as a student: What advice would you give to (prospective) students?
Take advantage of every opportunity to further your social education, stay true to your interests, listen and try to approach new challenges positively. Show appreciation and look first at the person you are dealing with and only later evaluate his or her professional skills. Only then will you be ready to go the extra mile to become professionally successful.

To what extent do you still feel connected to the university today? Do you still have contact with fellow students?
Absolutely, I am the best man of my best friend, whom I met at our O-Days 2014 at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, and his wife also studied at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences.

What were important stations on your professional path?
Besides my time in Ansbach, a Bachelor's thesis in industry and of course my stay in Ulm and Biberach for the Master's in pharmaceutical biotechnology. The opportunity to take on responsibility early on in my first job as a process engineer and also to gain experience abroad.

What do you particularly like about your current job?
The variety, a healthy mix of practical activities such as monitoring critical process steps as well as focused work at the desk. But what I enjoy most is working with people, achieving goals together and, of course, celebrating the completion of a project.

What are the three most important skills in your daily work?
Transparent communication, appreciation and respect

In your opinion, how do you make a good career start in your sector (entry routes, application tips)?
Show personality! In addition to professional experience (which, by the way, is much more important than good grades), it is simply helpful not to want to devote yourself to just one subject area at the beginning.
Application tip: Your CV is like a story, try to tell it as excitingly as possible and please stop learning any weaknesses and strengths by heart.

What career tips do you have for students and young graduates?
Our social situation is in a very exciting phase, which also includes a massive change in the world of work.


Laura Müller

Laura Müller – Leiterin Bereich Beratung

Leiterin Bereich Beratung


Leiterin Bereich Beratung

Louisa Späth – Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Alumnimanagerin

Louisa Späth

Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Alumnimanagerin

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Louisa Späth

Louisa Späth – Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Alumnimanagerin

Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Alumnimanagerin


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